Useful Links
- Free Online Chess
- Crossword puzzles
- Sudoku puzzles
- Various Word Games
- Funky Potato Scrabble
- A portal to a large number of short, online university courses
- Get started on your family tree with online eResources.
- for daily news and activites

Or visit

KYSO Handout
Josh’s Presentation

Library services you can access online from home
Access to Library Services online – Ebooks, magazines etc. You need a Library Card with a PIN number No card, no log in? No problem, sign up online now. If you need help, use the online chat service, LiveOnline, or call 03 941 7923.

UC Connect

These are a series of lectures on Wednesday evenings or other designated times on a wide variety of subjects.
To find out what is offered go to in your browser.

The U3A Network Canterbury is an assembly of representatives from most of the individual, autonomous U3A groups in Canterbury and has also co-opted members from various U3A groups to help with the expertise required to set up a Network.

Check out Eventbrite for events in Canterbury