May 2024

Current Affairs

Wednesday 19 June 10.00am at the Halswell Library/Service Centre Te Hapua
Topic: Why is there so much more aggression/anger, distrust /mistrust, claims of
entitlement and claims of grievance? What can be done about it? Graeme

Cycling Group

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. Most members have e-bikes.
New members are always welcome.
On Monday 20 May, 6 of us rode from Halswell through to Hornby and joined the South Express cycleway that was recently completed between Hansens Lane and Hornby. We continued on to Hagley Park then returned on the Southern Motorway cycleway.
On Friday 31 May, 7 of us rode from Motukarara to Little River on the Little River Rail Trail. After many heavy frosts on previous days, it was surprisingly mild with not too much wind. It was a great ride, and we enjoyed a good chat over coffee. Mary

Family History

Remember those days? Some of us did when we shared our earliest memories of our first school. Times our children and grandchildren will know nothing of unless we leave them memories. This was the topic of our May meeting. This month we have a guest speaker coming to share the highs and lows of the past. Er meet on the third Tuesday of the month starting at 1.30pm.. If you are interested in family history contact either Carole or Julia.

Scrabble Group

The Scrabble Interest Group meets on the 2nd and the 4th Tuesday of every month, at 1.30pm. As we meet in each other’s homes we have closed the membership to the 10 members who currently attend regularly. Generally we play three games of Scrabble 4 each time with a break for a cup of tea to enable us to solve the problems of the world, have a good laugh, and enjoy each other’s company. Although the current group is closed to new members, if there was sufficient interest, I would be more than willing to assist another group to get established by sharing how we currently work. We find up to 10 members per group is ideal when meeting in private homes. Judith

Note: if you are a member of a Special interest Group and your email address has changed, please let your group leader know, otherwise you will not receive information about your group activities. Interest group Information