May 2021
Current Affairs
A successful start to 2021 with the discussion on introducing a “tax on sugary drinks” and a visit to the Living Earth (green waste) processing facility in Bromley.
The April meeting will discuss “dietary supplements and whether they are essential for good nutrition” and in May the group will discuss “how good is the New Zealand school education system”. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 10.00am in the Halswell Service Centre/Library. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Graeme.
Cycling Group
Twizel trip at ANZAC weekend
7 of us enjoyed a lovely weekend in Twizel thanks to the hospitality of Jill and Russell. The first ride was beside Lake Ohau on the A2O track from the weir around to the township. It was devastating to see the houses that were lost in the October fire but encouraging to see lots of new buildings going up. It was a lovely sunny day but the wind did come up around lunchtime so we had to find a sheltered spot to stop.
The next day we rode from Twizel to Lake Pukaki again on the A2O track across typical MacKenzie country and then back along the canal which was so picturesque with the autumn colours.
I am sure another trip will be planned sometime later in the year.
Cycling April ride

This month we rode from Birdlings Flat to Little River on the Rail Trail. It was a beautiful morning with no wind. The scenery around Lake Forsyth was great with lots of wildlife on the lake. We stopped at the Little River Café and Store for coffee then returned to our cars.
Next month we will ride around the Wigram area.
New members are always welcome. We ride on the last Friday morning of the month.
Family History
The family history group had a very interesting visit to Archives New Zealand. We were taken on a tour of the facility, shown the various areas, and told of their functions. After touring the repository, we were taken to the Reading Room where a variety of documents from the archives were set out for us to look at. Police Gazettes, a probate file, records of Admissions to the Sunnyside Hospital and a will with a notebook where a widow had recorded how her possessions were to be distributed were some of the items. Early Christchurch Land records books, impressive with their immaculate copperplate writing, were also viewed. If you are interested in pursuing your family’s history, you are welcome to come along to our meetings which are held on the first Tuesday of each month starting a 1.30pm. Contact Carole
We’re still having fun meetings, sometimes if we’ve felt unable to write we just talk and laugh. Our next meeting is Monday 14th May at 1 pm. Halswell Library. We would welcome anyone who may like to just sit in and see what we get up to. Regards Trish.
The Scrabble Group has currently 10 members and 3 ladies waiting to join. If prospective members contact Vivienne, she will collate any information to enable a new group to be formed.
Theatre Appreciation Group
Recently a party from our group attended the play ‘Gladys and Daphne’ at the Lyttelton Arts Factory, a delightful tale artfully portrayed by two very accomplished actors, Lynda Milligan and Julie Edwards. The season runs until 16th May and we would all recommend everyone to see it. Some of us have also been to see ‘Ladies Night’ at The Court Theatre, lots of excitement there! Our next regular meeting is on Thursday 27th May at The Hub 1.15pm. Plenty of room for newcomers to join us. David