June 2024

Cycling Group

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday. We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. Most members have e-bikes.
New members are always welcome.
This month we only had one ride due to Matariki at the end of the month. On Friday 17 June we rode from Halswell to the Heathcote Valley via the Quarryman’s Trail, Nor’West Arc to PMH then around the river to the Tannery and onto the Heathcote expressway. Eleven of us cycled and our coffee stop was at Silos Café.

Family History

Who are these twin boys? Maybe your ancestors! Old photos make our research even more interesting as do the discoveries we make as we find further facts about our earlier times. Last meeting we had a genealogist speak to us about the discoveries she had made – very interesting1 Our next meeting is 16th July. If you are interested contact either Carole or Julia.


Up to 10 members of our Scrabble group meet twice a month. Our July meetings are scheduled for the 9th and 23rd of July. We are a friendly, supportive, no pressure, Scrabble playing group who have lots of laughs and chatter. To attempt to speed up our games, we recently clarified our “guidelines for play” and are now managing at least three and sometimes four games at each meeting.
A brief outline of our guidelines for play
• Players can use a dictionary and/or the” two, three and four letter word sheets/booklets” as much as they like PRIOR to their turn. However, when it is a player’s turn, they should play a word without too much delay.
• It’s OK to do a quick dictionary check if a player is unsure of the spelling or any query/discussion arises about a played word. Quick and occasional use of the dictionary should be the aim when it is a player’s turn to play.
Membership of our group is currently limited to 10. However, if anyone would like to start another Scrabble Interest Group, please contact Judith Densie who is more than happy to assist in getting you started.

Note: if you are a member of a Special interest Group and your email address has changed, please let your group leader know, otherwise you will not receive information about your group activities