January 2025
Is there anyone or group of members who would like to run this group for 2025?
At this stage, two members are prepared to run the Thursday Group, but they are unable to cover the Tuesday group. We are hoping a couple of members of that group will step up.
We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. Each ride has 2 start points to accommodate distance and speed preferences of the members. Most members have e-bikes. New members are always welcome.
On Friday 31 January we cycled from Halswell to Raspberry Café, Tai Tapu then around the block past Otahuna Lodge and Cossars Winery back to the café for coffee. Eleven of us met up for a pleasant chat over coffee outside.
Family History Group
This group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm. Our first meeting for this year will be on Tuesday 18th February.
We are interested in tracing our families’ ancestors, discovering their stories and something of the times in which they lived.
If you are interested in finding out more about this group please contact either Carole or Julia
Eric Livingston is keen to start a photography Group. If you are keen to participate, contact Lynne u3a.southwestchch@gmail.com