Interest Groups

Interest Groups are a primary function of U3A.  Belonging to one of these groups provides a collaborative environment where the sharing of knowledge, skills and interests along with social interaction has proven to be beneficial as we age.

South West Christchurch has a number of Interest Groups underway and the committee are interested to hear suggestions from members for future groups.

The link below will take you on to the online courses available through U3A South West: This is an Australian website, our U3A has paid for this access for ALL our members Three Interest Groups; History, Science, and Genealogy can continue online.  All members can access these courses by going to the website look at the newsletter for logon and password details

Interest group co-ordinator is Lynne.  Click here to contact Lynne

Current Groups

Book Discussion Group 2nd Monday at 10am, Leader’s home Book Discussion Scheme $82 annually Ros
Coffee Group 1st Friday and 3rd Tuesday both at 10am Various locations, alternate coffee and lunch. Lynne
Current Affairs 3rd Wednesday 10-11.30 Halswell library/Service centre. Graeme
Cycling 3rd Monday and last Friday 10am   Mary
Family History 3rd Tuesday 1.30 Can be studied online Carole and Julia
History 3rd Thursday 10am Full but can be studied online Ros
Movies Group 4th Tuesday varying times At Academy, The Tannery, or Silky Otter Gill or Diana
Photography 2nd Friday 10am Eric’s home Eric
Scrabble 2nd and 4th Tuesday 1.30-3.30   Judith
Theatre Appreciation 4th Thursday 1.15pm   David
Travel Group 1st Tuesday 10.30-11.30 Second half of year. Karen and Grant
Urban Explorers 2nd Tuesday and 3rd Thursday 10-12 Walks around the city and outskirts. Ngaire