
February 2022

Cycling Group February ride

This month we rode on the Quarrymans Trail from Halswell into the city. There were 11 of us meeting at various points along the way. It was windy and cool to start with but turned into a beautiful day. We enjoyed coffee at the Arts Centre before heading home via the same route or along the Southern Motorway cycleway.
We have decided to bike from Hagley Park to Northlands on the Northern Line then back to Hagley Park via the Papanui Parallel for our March ride.
We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Mary

Family History Group

The Family history group met on Tuesday 1st March. Discussion centred around what each of us hoped to pursue through the year and ways of recording our findings. Family personalities are being written about for future generations to read, mystery family members are about (hopefully) to be located and accounts of family events are going to be researched. Anyone interested in joining this group would be most welcome. We met on the first Tuesday of the month in the afternoon. Please contact either Carole or Julia.

Quarry Group

The Quarry Group meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Coffee Cart at the Kennedys Bush Road entrance to the quarry.
We meet at 10.00 am then work for 1 to 2 hours.  Lynne

January 2022

Book Discussion Group

The Book Group meet on the 2nd Monday of the month to discuss the book supplied by the Book Discussion Scheme from our selected list.

The next meeting will be on 14th February when we receive book 8 from the current subscription of 10 books.  For anyone interested please contact Ros about when the new year’s sub begins.


Current Affairs Group

We have had a small number of resignations from this group and will be able to add 2-3 new members. If you are interested just email me and I can send you details of how we operate/when we meet, together with the draft programme for 2022.


Cycling Group January ride

To start 2022, we met at the beginning of Old Tai Tapu Rd and rode towards the Raspberry Café. We continued on Rhodes Rd, Otahuna Rd and onto Cossars Rd before stopping for coffee at the café. There were 11 of us who enjoyed the beautiful garden setting. It was lovely to meet up again and we all look forward to some good rides throughout the year.

Next month we will ride on the Quarrymans Trail into the city and back via the Southern Motorway.

We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.


Family History Group

The Family History Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm.

Whether tracing back your family tree, record your findings in a variety of ways, delving into the times that could have been instrumental in your ancestors immigrating and recording memories of some of your ancestors we are there to support and assist each other as well as providing relevant information.

If you are interested in coming along contact

Carole or Julia

History Group

New U3A online course for 2022 – 10:00am on 3rd Thursday starting on 17th February.  This course is available for all club members to log in and follow the units by themselves or meet as a group to discuss each unit

          Property to Partner – A History of Women’s Struggle for Equality

This Course looks at the various theories of why women have not been treated as equals and then trace the development of the movement towards equality in the Western world from ancient times to modern day.


Movie Group

The Movie Group will be getting together for our first outing on Tuesday 25th February.  Choice of film as yet is unknown as is the venue. Our last outing was to the luxury Silky Otter cinema in Wigram which everyone enjoyed. Who knows it may become our local choice.


Quarry Group

The Quarry Group meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Coffee Cart at the Kennedys Bush Road entrance to the quarry.

We meet at 10.00 am then work for 1 to 2 hours.  


Scrabble Group

  10 members are meeting twice monthly in each other’s homes for 3 games of scrabble and afternoon tea.

  We are unable to increase our group size due to space limitations.

 I have the names of three people who would like to play scrabble in a group, and I am happy to pass these to any person who would like to arrange a new group.   


Kath Varcoe: Christmas

December 2021

U3A Cycling November ride

This was our last ride for the year. We met in Kaiapoi and cycled to Pegasus via the Tutaepatu Trail in the Tuhaitara Coastal Park. We had a lovely break for coffee, food and a chat then cycled back to Kaiapoi passing through Gladstone Park, beside the Kaiapoi Lakes and behind the Kaiapoi Golf Club. There were 8 of us on this last ride for 2021 and it was a beautiful Norwest day without the wind.

Our next ride will be the last Friday in January 2022 but if you want to get out for a ride and want company, then email the group to see who is available.

We plan to meet at The Raspberry Café for refreshments so even if you don’t want to ride please come along and enjoy the company.

We ride on the last Friday of the month usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.

November 2021

Quarry Group

A small group spent time replacing the broken stakes holding the protection for young plants at the Cashmere Rd side of the park. Growth in all areas is very rapid at present after recent rain.

We meet at the coffee cart at 10.00 am on the first Thursday of the month. Conditions in the quarry park are very pleasant over the warmer months and we welcome more helpers. Lynne

Urban Explorers

The weather and Covid have played havoc with our planned programme over the past couple of months. However, we are exploring Tai Tapu this month and Graeme is taking us on a new inner-city tour in December.  Ngaire


September 2021

U3A Cycling September ride

After missing out on our August ride due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions we were all keen to get together this month.

We met in the Pioneer Stadium car park at 10am and rode on the Nor’west Arc to the University then on Uni-Cycle cycleway to meet the Northern Line cycleway to our scheduled stop at The Coffee Club in Northlands. Our group of 10 enjoyed cycling on such a beautiful morning covering about 29 kms.

Our ride next month is through the Red Zone to New Brighton.

We ride on the last Friday of the month meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.

August 2021

Cycling Group July ride

This month seven of us met at the intersection of Fitzgerald Ave and Worcester St and cycled on the Rapanui-Shag Rock Cycleway. The Cycleway initially took us along quiet roads then through Linwood Park and onto the cycleway beside Linwood Ave. From Dyers Rd we rode through Charlesworth Reserve to the Ferrymead shops for coffee. It was a beautiful morning and we all enjoyed seeing a different part of town. On the way back we found another shared path through Linwood Park to link up with our original route, then back to Fitzgerald Ave.

Next month we will meet at the Pioneer Centre and ride on the Nor’west Arc to the University then on Uni-Cycle track to meet the Northern Line to Northlands for coffee.

We ride on the last Friday of the month meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Mary

Family History

The Family History/Genealogy Group met on 3rd August. Those present were all working on the writing of “My Life’. The unit for the month proved to be a real memory jogger and, as well as giving us ideas of what we could possibly include in our memoir, the headings caused a great deal of discussion about our recollections of the times we lived in.  Just as we find out about how our ancestors may have lived our descendants will have an accurate, first-hand account of our life and times which will probably cause them to wonder how we could possibly have managed to live so primitively! We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm. Carole and Julia   

Quarry Group

A small group of helpers worked in the quarry for one and a half hours releasing around new plantings near the lakes. Releasing involves removing long grass around the young plants to remove the competition from weeds. Nigel, the ranger, supplies suitable tools or we bring our own. We work in the quarry on the first Thursday of the month, meeting at the coffee cart at 10.00 am. We would love more help if you were free at that time. Lynne


The Scribes group would love more members. The next Scribes meeting is 6 September at 1.00 pm In the Halswell Library. The topic is “Dreams” but anything goes, there is no pressure. We would love folk to just drop in and see what we do. Trish

Urban Explorers

Our group has enjoyed a good turnout for walks throughout the winter even though some days were overcast and threatening. We have a walk in the Avonside area this month and a good coffee to follow of course! Ngaire

Norman Kirk Park

July 2021

Cycling Group

U3A Cycling June ride

This month we met on the north side of the Old Waimakariri Bridge and cycled along the stop bank to Kaiapoi. We then looked around the red zone on the north side of the Kaiapoi River biking through the new wetland area in Norman Kirk Park and then wandered around the extensive Food Forest in Cass St. We had coffee at ‘Paris for the Weekend’ café before heading back through the back streets and along the Main North Rd on the new shared pathway which is just being completed at the Kaiapoi end. It was a lovely morning enjoyed by 6 of us. We may extend this ride next time to include some of the new cycleway along the Northern Corridor and over the Waimakariri Bridge.

Next month we will ride from the Fitzgerald Ave/Worcester St corner to Ferrymead on the Rapanui-Shag Rock Cycleway. We ride on the last Friday of the month. New members are always welcome. Mary

In My Fathers Den

June 2021

June 2021

Cycling Group
U3A Cycling May ride
This month we rode around the Wigram area starting at Meshino’s cafe. The weather was unsettled but by 9.30am it had stopped raining and 5 of us had a lovely ride led by Colin. It was great to see the new areas from a different viewpoint. We rode for about an hour covering 15kms.
Next month we will ride around Kaiapoi starting near the old Waimak bridge.
New members are always welcome. We ride on the last Friday morning of the month.

Family History
The family history/genealogy group had this month’s meeting on Tuesday 1st June. Those writing ‘My Life’ shared a memorable event in their lives followed by discussion on progress of their writing. Some who are researching their family ancestors brought along sites which could be helpful. With winter upon us there will probably be more time to follow these interests. Last month’s visit to Archives NZ was revisited and we are fortunate to have such an invaluable resource so close to us. Next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th July. Carole

Quarry Group
Five members spent and hour and a half spreading mulch around the latest plantings in the quarry below the rock face. If you are in the quarry, it is worth having a look at this newly planted area. There are more plants to go in over the seasons planting days. Lynne


May 2021

Current Affairs
A successful start to 2021 with the discussion on introducing a “tax on sugary drinks” and a visit to the Living Earth (green waste) processing facility in Bromley.
The April meeting will discuss “dietary supplements and whether they are essential for good nutrition” and in May the group will discuss “how good is the New Zealand school education system”. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 10.00am in the Halswell Service Centre/Library. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Graeme.

Cycling Group
Twizel trip at ANZAC weekend
7 of us enjoyed a lovely weekend in Twizel thanks to the hospitality of Jill and Russell. The first ride was beside Lake Ohau on the A2O track from the weir around to the township. It was devastating to see the houses that were lost in the October fire but encouraging to see lots of new buildings going up. It was a lovely sunny day but the wind did come up around lunchtime so we had to find a sheltered spot to stop.
The next day we rode from Twizel to Lake Pukaki again on the A2O track across typical MacKenzie country and then back along the canal which was so picturesque with the autumn colours.
I am sure another trip will be planned sometime later in the year.
Cycling April ride


This month we rode from Birdlings Flat to Little River on the Rail Trail. It was a beautiful morning with no wind. The scenery around Lake Forsyth was great with lots of wildlife on the lake. We stopped at the Little River Café and Store for coffee then returned to our cars.
Next month we will ride around the Wigram area.
New members are always welcome. We ride on the last Friday morning of the month.

Family History
The family history group had a very interesting visit to Archives New Zealand. We were taken on a tour of the facility, shown the various areas, and told of their functions. After touring the repository, we were taken to the Reading Room where a variety of documents from the archives were set out for us to look at. Police Gazettes, a probate file, records of Admissions to the Sunnyside Hospital and a will with a notebook where a widow had recorded how her possessions were to be distributed were some of the items. Early Christchurch Land records books, impressive with their immaculate copperplate writing, were also viewed. If you are interested in pursuing your family’s history, you are welcome to come along to our meetings which are held on the first Tuesday of each month starting a 1.30pm. Contact Carole

We’re still having fun meetings, sometimes if we’ve felt unable to write we just talk and laugh. Our next meeting is Monday 14th May at 1 pm. Halswell Library. We would welcome anyone who may like to just sit in and see what we get up to. Regards Trish.

The Scrabble Group has currently 10 members and 3 ladies waiting to join. If prospective members contact Vivienne, she will collate any information to enable a new group to be formed.

Theatre Appreciation Group
Recently a party from our group attended the play ‘Gladys and Daphne’ at the Lyttelton Arts Factory, a delightful tale artfully portrayed by two very accomplished actors, Lynda Milligan and Julie Edwards. The season runs until 16th May and we would all recommend everyone to see it. Some of us have also been to see ‘Ladies Night’ at The Court Theatre, lots of excitement there! Our next regular meeting is on Thursday 27th May at The Hub 1.15pm. Plenty of room for newcomers to join us. David

April 2021

Current Affairs
A successful start to 2021 with the discussion on introducing a “tax on sugary drinks” and a visit to the Living Earth (green waste) processing facility in Bromley.
The April meeting will discuss “dietary supplements and whether they are essential for good nutrition” and in May the group will discuss “how good is the New Zealand school education system”.
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 10.00am in the Halswell Service Centre/Library.
If you are interested in joining the group, contact Graeme.

Cycling Group March Ride
This month we combined a few cycleways to make a round trip. We started at Pioneer Stadium on the new Nor’west Arc cycleway and headed for the University. The track wasn’t completed but was still a pleasant ride. Then we went through the University and rode along the Uni-cycle cycleway that took us into Hagley Park via Riccarton Bush. We had coffee at the Museum Café then back via the Quarrymans Trail for some and the Addington-Southern Motorway cycleway to Aidanfield for some others. There were 10 of us which was great.
We have 7 of our group going to Twizel for another few days cycling over Anzac weekend.
Our next ride will be Birdlings Flat to Little River. We meet on the last Friday of the month and new members are always welcome.

Quarry Group
A small group work in the Halswell Quarry on the first Thursday of the month from 10.00 am for an hour and a half to two hours. We would love more helpers to join us.

The family history/genealogy group met on 6th April. Many memories surfaced as members shared their experiences of their school days and compared those days to those of today. That was the task for this month’s unit in preparation for writing our life stories. Our next task is ‘I remember the day when. .’. What memories will that evoke – one can but wonder? Concurrently we continue with the research of our family trees. Our next meeting on Tuesday 4th May will be a visit to the National Archives confirmation and time to follow. If you are interested in this visit, please contact either Carole or Julia.

Scribes are still meeting 1 pm Halswell library first Monday of the month, except for 5th April which is Easter Monday so we will meet on the 12th. We were pleased to have 2 new members at our last Scribes but would welcome more. Happy scribbling! Trish

We have 10 members meeting twice monthly at present.
Because we meet in each other’s homes we are unable to enlarge the group at present.
If others wish to play Scrabble I am happy to keep a list of those people, and facilitate their formation of a new group. Vivienne

Theatre Appreciation Group
At our Theatre Appreciation meeting in March, we were privileged to host a visit from Lara Macgregor, currently starring in “Things I Know To be True’ at The Court Theatre (an absolutely brilliant production by the way! Not to be missed.) Our April meeting is on the 22nd at which time we will organise a visit to see ‘Gladys and Daphne’ at the Lyttelton Arts Factory. Gladys is widowed. What’s left for her but a ticking clock and cheese rolls for one? But then comes Daphne. This play is the much-anticipated sequel to LAF’s 2020 hit show Gladys and Alfie. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll love it. Featuring two of New Zealand’s finest – Lynda Milligan and Julie Edwards. David