Articles by admin


March 2023

Cycling Group March Report

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. 
The ride on Monday 20th started at Kaiapoi. We rode on the Pegasus Trail to Woodend and then on the Tutaepatu Trail to Pegasus. It was a lovely day with very little wind. There were 5 of us. 
The ride on Friday 31st started on Stanmore Rd/Swans Rd corner and we rode through the red zone along the Te Ara Otakaro Avon River Trail to New Brighton crossing the river several times on the beautiful new foot bridges. It was a chilly but fine morning and the 6 of us enjoyed coffee and chat at the Hot Pools Café.

February 2023

Book Group

This month’s book is ‘The Widows of Malabar Hill’ a Mystery of 1920s India. Inspired in part by the woman who made history as India’s first female attorney.  This is a richly wrought story of multicultural, 1920s Bombay, as well as the debut of a sharp and promising new sleuth.
We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month.  April is the start of a new year’s subscription to the Book Discussion Scheme.  We are a great group with lots of discussion about the books and would welcome one more member if interested. Ros 

History Group

We have had our first meeting to discuss the Introduction to China in Translation.  This course is about China’s slow but relentless transition from sleep at the end of thousands of years of dynastic rule in the early 1900s into one of the most powerful economic, and military, players in world affairs today.   Promises to be a very interesting course.  Currently 14 members so a very tight squeeze in my home. Ros  


October 2022

U3A Cycling October

We meet on the last Friday of the month and ride on dedicated cycleways as much as possible. New members are always welcome.We had a coffee catch-up again this month as the forecast was for rain.
We are going to trial cycling twice a month from November so hoping for more settled weather. Mary

Book Discussion Scheme

September 2022

Book Discussion Group

We are currently reading This Mortal Boy by Fiona Kidman.
Set in 1950’s New Zealand it is reminiscent of that time of major social change when capital punishment was the law and youth sub-culture were pushing the boundaries.  Remember bodgies and widgies?  Ros

Report from History

As our course has now finished, we have decided to share some historical novels and non-fiction that we have enjoyed for our next session.  The following month to be decided.

U3A Cycling September

We meet on the last Friday of the month and ride on dedicated cycleways as much as possible. New members are always welcome.
We had a coffee catch-up this month as the forecast was for rain.
We are hoping that the weather will be better next month.  Mary

Family History Group

We met on Tuesday 4th October spending our time reporting on the progress of each member in their research or writing up of their research. We had a brief look at an article explaining the varying types of graveyard memorials as well as the differing types of Irish buildings and the terminology used. A lively discussion followed before the meeting finished.
When do we meet?  The first Tuesday of each month.
Time?  1.30 pm.
Contacts: Carole  or Julia

History Group

As our course has now finished, we have decided to share some historical novels and non-fiction that we have enjoyed for our next session.  The following months topic is to be decided. Ros

U3A Quarry Group

The next session at the Halswell Quarry will be on Thursday 3rd of November at 10.00 am. We hope for fine weather! Lynne

Theatre Appreciation Group

Last meeting, we introduced the 2023 season for The Court Theatre, a most interesting array of plays. For our October meeting (Thursday 27th at 1.15) we will be taking a look at some interesting aspects of Shakespeare. Also reviewing the Elmwood Players’ production of ‘Ladies Day’ which a group of our members are attending together.

Isaac Theatre Royal

August 2022

Book Discussion Group

11 members meet on the second Monday each month at 10.00am at Ros’s place.
This month’s book is ‘Bad Blood – Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup’ The writer John Carreyrou investigates Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes and her startup which promised to revolutionize the medical industry and proved to be one of the biggest corporate frauds since Enron. Ros

Cycling August ride

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our ride this month due to the weather. Instead, we met up for coffee at Suburban Rascals which was lovely.
We were sad to lose one of our members to cancer this month, Alison Gallant. Alison loved being part of our cycling group and we will miss her.
Next month we hope for better weather and plan to cycle to Lincoln.
We meet on the last Friday of the month and new members are always welcome.

Family History Group

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the afternoon.  This month, as well as discussing  progress being made in research or documentation of indings as well as individuals’ life stories. We also had fun working out the various levels of cousins in a family. First cousin once removed, or second cousin 8 times removed??  It now has become a little clearer as we gained greater understanding of these terms. If you are interested in further information about this group, please contact Carole or Julia

History Group

We have finished the current course and next meeting we will discuss our own perspectives of the current climate for Women’s struggle for Equality. 
Group will decide on what course to do next year.
12 members
Meet on 3rd Thursday at 10.00 am

Theatre Appreciation Group

Our next get-together will be on Thursday 22nd September at 1.15pm at 45 Muir Ave. All welcome and enquiries to David.

Urban Explorers

New ideas on interesting walks/leadership offers would be gratefully received. Ngaire

Boys in Reefton

July 2022

Cycling July ride

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our ride this month due to the forecast rain and the road conditions following the flooding during the week.
Instead, 8 of us met for coffee which we all enjoyed.
We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.

Family History Group

The Family History group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm. 
This month we spent time looking at the various sources of information, Irish and Scottish naming patterns and variances in names that can confuse the person doing the research. We reported on where we are at as we individually pursue  our area/s of interest.  We have room for more members or anyone wanting to find out a little more about their ancestors.  If you are interested in coming along  please email me.

Quarry Group

The Halswell Quarry Group are waiting until the weather is more settled in the meantime.

Scrabble Group

Sorry you can’t join us, but our capacity is limited, and complete. 

Theatre Appreciation Group

Theatre Appreciation Group     We will not be meeting in August and so our next get-together will be on Thursday 22nd September at 1.15pm at our place.
All welcome and enquiries to David.

Urban Explorers

Our July walks were a wash-out with heavy rain on both days so this month we will be attempting the Merivale walk again.  New ideas on interesting walks/leadership offers would be gratefully received.

To send an email to an Interest Group Leader visit the Interest Group Page. Select the group you are interested in, fill the form and submit it.

June 2022

Book Group

This month we read Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.  Synopsis – Moving from Addis Ababa to New York City and back again, Cutting for Stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miracles – and two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined.  This book is sure to get the group into a good discussion. Can still take 2 more members. Ros  

Cycling June ride

This month we met a week earlier as the last Friday of June was Matariki.We started on Ashgrove Tce near PMH and cycled on the Nor’West Arc cycleway to Wigram Rd then along the path beside the Southern Motorway to Aidanfield. We travelled through Aidanfield and came out onto Dunbars Rd near Halswell Rd. Then we cycled on the Quarrymans Trail, through the Sparks Rd Wetlands onto Cashmere Rd to our coffee stop at Urban Eatery, Oderings. Some then biked home while others went back to their cars. It was a cool grey day but 7 of us enjoyed getting out on our bikes even though the drizzle did set in before our coffee stop.
Next month we planned to ride from PMH to Ferrymead following the river. 
We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.  Mary

Family History Group

We are a small, friendly group of lie- minded people who are tracing their family history and recording their efforts for their descendants (or any other interested parties) to read. At our last meeting on Tuesday 5th July, we shared our discoveries and discussed ways of finding more about our ancestors.  We have space for anyone who is interested or who simply wants to find out a little more about their predecessors. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm.  If you are interested in your family history do come along and meet with us.  Contact Carole

Halswell Quarry Group

With unsuccessful attempts to run this group over the last few months a decision has been made to wait until the weather is warmer and start again in September. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 10.00 am. Lynne

History Group

Current course via U3Aonline is Property to Partner.  This Course looks at the various theories of why women have not been treated as equals and then trace the development of the movement towards equality in the Western world from ancient times to modern day.  The members of this group enjoy plenty of discussion both on and off the topic.
We are up to unit 6 – 19th and early 20th centuries.

Scrabble Group

We have an active home-based group of 10 players twice monthly.   
We share hosting our games and setting game-based challenges to keep our playing, and our players, competitive and interpretive spirits alive.
We also take the opportunities to share our ideas and plans to sort out our troubled world issues. 
Sorry you can’t join us, but our capacity is limited, and complete. 


May 2022

U3A Cycling May ride

This month a small group of us rode from Kaiapoi to Rangiora on the Passchendaele Memorial Path. It was a beautiful morning and lovely cycling alongside the paddocks and away from the traffic. We had a nice coffee stop at Mega Mitre 10 Garden Café before returning to Kaiapoi.

Next month we will be cycling in Christchurch.

We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Mary

Boys in Reefton

April 2022

Reports from Special Interest Groups

U3A Cycling April ride

We had a beautiful still morning for this month’s ride from Lincoln to Motukarara on the Little River Rail Trail. It was lovely biking through wetlands and farmland away from traffic and houses. There were 7 of us on this ride, 5 on e-bikes. We had to ride longer than normal before our coffee break as there was nothing in Motukarara! We stopped along the way to read the information boards and have a chat then a welcome stop at The Pantry in Lincoln on our return for coffee and food.

We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Mary

Family History Group

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month.

This month we discussed how individual research was progressing before hearing the surgeon’s log from a female convict ship from Ireland to Tasmania. The treatments of the times for varying ailments certainly raised eyebrows!

if you want to find out more about or join this enthusiastic group of amateurs   please email Carole or Julia

Scrabble Group

We have been continuing our carefully managed meetings with our maximum 10 members.   We are unable to enlarge our home-based group at this time.

Members who have been unable to join us may wish to enquire at the Halswell Community Hub in the old Library, where a scrabble group has now convened. Vivienne Kane

Wool and /or Knitters wanted

Wool wanted – any size balls for pre-school jerseys and other garments for local charities.ALSO any knitters or crocheters who could help or anyone who could piece together Peggy squares Phone or see Naida at meetings

Mah Jong

March 2022

Reports from Special Interest Groups

Cycling Group March ride

This month our group of 8 cyclists biked from Hagley Park to Northlands on the Northern Line then back to Hagley Park via the Papanui Parallel. Coffee at Meshinos on Rutland St was great, but it was very busy so quite a long wait.
No firm decision was made about next month’s ride but probably one out of town.
We ride on the last Friday of the month, usually meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome.

Family History Group

We have just had our second meeting for this year, and we spent a couple of hours sharing our discoveries and our frustrations. An article from Papers Past has helped solve a family mystery and we reminisced about how much things have changed in our lifetime and how important it is to share these with our children and grandchildren. Julia

Mah Jong group

The Mah Jong group is on hold until the Covid cases drop further. Naida

Quarry Group

The Quarry Group meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Coffee Cart at the Kennedys Bush Road entrance to the quarry. We meet at 10.00 am then work for 1 to 2 hours. We do not work if the weather is unsuitable, like last week.  Lynne


The Scribes group is ready to start again for 2022.The group meet on the first Monday of the month at the Halswell Library. Time 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm.