Articles by admin

HoneyBee by Craig Silvey

February 2024

Family History Group

The Family History Group meetings will now be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm.  The first meeting for the year will be on 19 March. New members would be very welcome and can contact

U3A Cycling February

We had 2 rides this month in the same week! We ride on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday of the month. New members welcome.  
On Monday 19th , 8 of us met in Hagley Park and cycled to Sawyers Arms Rd by Northlands Mall on the Northern Line, then on the Papanui Parallel Cycleway to our coffee stop at Meshinos. We continued to Bealey Ave and rode to Victoria Park on  Colombo St then followed the Promenade to the Boat Sheds and back to our starting point. Good to see parts of the Northern Line had been resealed.  
On Friday 23rd , 11 of us started at Kaiapoi and rode on the Pegasus Trail to Woodend, and on the Tutaepatu Trail to Pegasus. We stopped for coffee at the Flat White Café in Pegasus then we cycled onto Waikuku and along the banks of the Ashley River before coming back to Pegasus. We returned to Kaiapoi on the same track as we came. It was a big ride but enjoyable. It was a lovely sunny day.

Book Group

Currently reading “Honeybee” by Craig Silvey. 
This had good reviews but can be a challenge.
Ros Thornley – Leader

History Group

A History of Ancient Egypt.
Next unit Background 2 – the Old Kingdom
Reminder that this course is available to all members online.  Please let me know if you want the log in details.
Ros Thornley – Leader


January 2024

U3A Cycling
For the first and only organised ride for 2024 we started on Lincoln Rd/Domain Tce corner and rode to PMH then on to Colombo St, around the bottom of the Port Hills to St Martins then on to Hansens Park. We then joined the Heathcote Expressway into the CBD then back to Annex Rd via the Motorway cycleway. It was a great look around the city using many of the dedicated cycleways.
We ride on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday of the month.
New members welcome.

November 2023

U3A Cycling November
This month our 2 rides happen in the same week! Unfortunately, the Friday ride had to be cancelled due to cold wet conditions.
On Monday 20 November we cycled on the Te Ara Otakaro Trail from Swanns Road,
Richmond, to New Brighton. There were 7 of us and we enjoyed the sunshine and quietness of riding through the Red Zone.
We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday. We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.

Family History Group
The Family History Group meets on the THIRD Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm. We are a group of enthusiastic amateurs wanting to discover more of our family’s histories. We help each other with the research and as well looking at various ways to record our findings. If you are interested in finding out more about your family and would like to join the group please email either Carole or Julia

History Group
We begin a new course in January and the group have opted for ‘A History of Ancient Egypt’
This is a new offering from U3Aonline and presents an overview of 2 thousand years of history concluding with the New Kingdom.

Book Group
The holiday read is ‘Call Your Daughter Home’ set in 1924 small town Carolina this
powerful story is about 3 women who stand up to injustices and shows the power of women working together and the fearlessness that comes from motherhood.
We meet again in March 2024


October 2023

Cycling Group October Report

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.
On Monday 16 October six members rode from Kaiapoi to Pegasus & Waikuku on the Pegasus Trail and the Tutaepatu trail in the Tuhaitara Coastal Park. There were a few trees down after the high winds, but the riders managed to get around them. On Friday 27 October we cancelled the ride due to the weather.


September 2023

U3A Cycling September

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.  We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.  New members are always welcome.

On Monday 18th September we met near the QEII roundabout and cycled on the Northern Corridor cycleway to Kaiapoi.  There were 9 of us and we all enjoyed the ride plus an enjoyable break at Paris for the Weekend café. 

Eight of us cycled from Motukarara or Kaituna Quarry Reserve to Little River on Friday 29th September.  It was a good ride although the wind was a bit challenging at times.  We enjoyed drinks and a good chat before heading back to our cars.


August 2023

U3A Cycling August
We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. New members are always welcome.
This month our 2 rides were in the same week, so it was decided to do the same ride both days.
Altogether 12 cyclists came along. We started at the Liffey Springs Reserve, Lincoln and rode on the Little River Rail Trail to Motukarara through wetland areas. It was a lovely ride and after a look around Motukarara it was back to Lincoln for coffee and lunch


July 2023

U3A Cycling June
We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday. We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.
On Monday 17 July five of us rode from Hagley Park to Northlands on the Northern Line Cycleway then onto The Papanui Parallel Cycleway to Meshinos for coffee. We enjoyed a coffee and a chat in the sun then we returned the same way back to Hagley Park.
On Friday 28 July we met in CBD and biked to the Tannery on the Heathcote Expressway. It was very stop start with all the lights but on a separate cycleway which was great. We had coffee at The Brewery Café which was lovely and warm as the morning was drizzly and cool! We then cycled along the river to PMH and onto the Quarryman’s Trail back to Halswell. There were 7 of us on this ride. Next month our 2 rides are in the same week so we will organise the Monday ride with the Friday as back up if weather is poor. We are cycling from Lincoln to Motukarara.

June 2023

U3A Cycling June

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday. We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.

This month we only managed one ride due to weather conditions.
On Friday 30 June we rode into the Boatshed Café via the Quarryman’s, Nor’West Arc and Uni-Cycle trails. On the way home we rode the South Express, Nor’West Arc, Southern Motorway trails and then back through Nga Puna Wai to Halswell. There were 8 of us and for some we rode through new areas which is always enjoyable. The sun was out for most of the ride which was great after the many grey days we have had.


May 2023

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.
This month we only had one ride as we had to cancel the other ride due to wet weather.
On Friday 26 May ten of us rode from Halswell to Lincoln on the Little River Rail Trail. It was a beautiful morning with a tail wind to Lincoln which was great. We had an enjoyable chat over coffee at The Lincoln Pantry then back to Halswell. Fortunately, the head wind wasn’t too strong on the way home!
Our first ride next month will be from Lincoln to Motukarara also on the Little River Rail trail. Mary

April 2023

Cycle Group
Our ride on Monday 17 April was a local loop. Seven of us started in Halswell and cycled on the Southern Motorway Trail towards Middleton then joined the Nor’West Arc Cycleway towards Pioneer Centre then onto Worsleys Rd and up to the Adventure Park for coffee.
We had a strong NE wind to contend with on the way but the sun was out and we enjoyed our outing. We headed back to Halswell on the Quarryman’s Trail.

Our ride on Friday 28 April was from Ferrymead Park to Sumner. It was a beautiful morning when 8 of us set out towards Sumner along the Coastal Pathway. We encountered roadworks along the way but otherwise it was a good ride. Scarborough Fare café was a good spot to enjoy a chat and a nice coffee before heading back.

We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday.
We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways. New members are always welcome.