November 2023

U3A Cycling November
This month our 2 rides happen in the same week! Unfortunately, the Friday ride had to be cancelled due to cold wet conditions.
On Monday 20 November we cycled on the Te Ara Otakaro Trail from Swanns Road,
Richmond, to New Brighton. There were 7 of us and we enjoyed the sunshine and quietness of riding through the Red Zone.
We have 2 organised rides each month, on the 3rd Monday and the last Friday. We ride mainly on dedicated cycleways.
New members are always welcome.

Family History Group
The Family History Group meets on the THIRD Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm. We are a group of enthusiastic amateurs wanting to discover more of our family’s histories. We help each other with the research and as well looking at various ways to record our findings. If you are interested in finding out more about your family and would like to join the group please email either Carole or Julia

History Group
We begin a new course in January and the group have opted for ‘A History of Ancient Egypt’
This is a new offering from U3Aonline and presents an overview of 2 thousand years of history concluding with the New Kingdom.

Book Group
The holiday read is ‘Call Your Daughter Home’ set in 1924 small town Carolina this
powerful story is about 3 women who stand up to injustices and shows the power of women working together and the fearlessness that comes from motherhood.
We meet again in March 2024