March 2021

Current Affairs
A small number of places are available to U3a members to join the Current Affairs Group on their visit to Living Earth (who process all of our green waste) -17 March. If you are interested in joining this visit, contact Graeme McNally for further information.

Cycling Group February Ride
This month we met at Ferrymead Heritage Park and biked to Scarborough Beach in Sumner. There were 12 of us which was a fantastic turnout as it was a cloudy drizzly morning, but we all enjoyed the ride.
Next month we hope to try the new Nor’west Arc Cycleway if it is finished.
We are also looking at having another weekend away in Twizel possibly in April.
We ride on the last Friday of the month and new members are welcome. Mary

Quarry Group
A small group work in the Halswell Quarry on the first Thursday of the month from 10.00 am for an hour and a half to two hours. We would love more helpers to join us. Contact Lynne through the website.

Book Discussion
A very friendly group who meet at 10:00am on the 2nd Monday of the month at the Halswell Library. We subscribe to The Book Discussion Scheme which supply 10 books per year at a cost of $70. The first book for 2021 season is distributed at the May meeting. Maximum of 12 members and for the new season there are currently 2 vacancies. Let me know if you are interested. Ros

Tuesday 2nd March found the genealogy/family history group holding their first meeting for the year. This year, as well as tracing family history we are investigating various ways of recording our own and the lives, as much as we can find out, of our forebears. By the end of the meeting most of the group had decided on their starting point and we look forward to hearing of their progress (or lack of) at our next meeting Tuesday 6th April. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Carole or Julia.

History Group
This year we are studying Renaissance Italy following the U3Aonline programme. We meet at my home on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00am. Our first meeting had a lively discussion on the history of Italy and why the Italian Renaissance flourished in 15th century Florence.
These online courses prompt further research for a better understanding of the subject. All members can access the online course for individual study. Please ask for the login and password if interested. Ros

Scribes are still meeting 1 pm Halswell library first Monday of the month, except for 5th April which is Easter Monday so we will meet on the 12th. We were pleased to have 2 new members at our last Scribes but would welcome more. Happy scribbling! Trish

We have 10 active members enjoying twice monthly meetings in each other’s homes and meeting challenges related to word settings. Vivienne

Other Learning Opportunities

SWU3A online courses
Members can use the on-line courses our group has subscribed to by logging on to our website.
Please ask for the login and password if you are interested.

UC Connect
These are a series of lectures on Wednesday evenings on a wide variety of subjects. To find out what is offered go to in your browser.
On that website there is also the ability to watch u-tube versions of earlier talks.