June 2021
June 2021
Cycling Group
U3A Cycling May ride
This month we rode around the Wigram area starting at Meshino’s cafe. The weather was unsettled but by 9.30am it had stopped raining and 5 of us had a lovely ride led by Colin. It was great to see the new areas from a different viewpoint. We rode for about an hour covering 15kms.
Next month we will ride around Kaiapoi starting near the old Waimak bridge.
New members are always welcome. We ride on the last Friday morning of the month.
Family History
The family history/genealogy group had this month’s meeting on Tuesday 1st June. Those writing ‘My Life’ shared a memorable event in their lives followed by discussion on progress of their writing. Some who are researching their family ancestors brought along sites which could be helpful. With winter upon us there will probably be more time to follow these interests. Last month’s visit to Archives NZ was revisited and we are fortunate to have such an invaluable resource so close to us. Next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th July. Carole
Quarry Group
Five members spent and hour and a half spreading mulch around the latest plantings in the quarry below the rock face. If you are in the quarry, it is worth having a look at this newly planted area. There are more plants to go in over the seasons planting days. Lynne