August 2021
Cycling Group July ride
This month seven of us met at the intersection of Fitzgerald Ave and Worcester St and cycled on the Rapanui-Shag Rock Cycleway. The Cycleway initially took us along quiet roads then through Linwood Park and onto the cycleway beside Linwood Ave. From Dyers Rd we rode through Charlesworth Reserve to the Ferrymead shops for coffee. It was a beautiful morning and we all enjoyed seeing a different part of town. On the way back we found another shared path through Linwood Park to link up with our original route, then back to Fitzgerald Ave.
Next month we will meet at the Pioneer Centre and ride on the Nor’west Arc to the University then on Uni-Cycle track to meet the Northern Line to Northlands for coffee.
We ride on the last Friday of the month meeting at 10am. New members are always welcome. Mary
Family History
The Family History/Genealogy Group met on 3rd August. Those present were all working on the writing of “My Life’. The unit for the month proved to be a real memory jogger and, as well as giving us ideas of what we could possibly include in our memoir, the headings caused a great deal of discussion about our recollections of the times we lived in. Just as we find out about how our ancestors may have lived our descendants will have an accurate, first-hand account of our life and times which will probably cause them to wonder how we could possibly have managed to live so primitively! We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm. Carole and Julia
Quarry Group
A small group of helpers worked in the quarry for one and a half hours releasing around new plantings near the lakes. Releasing involves removing long grass around the young plants to remove the competition from weeds. Nigel, the ranger, supplies suitable tools or we bring our own. We work in the quarry on the first Thursday of the month, meeting at the coffee cart at 10.00 am. We would love more help if you were free at that time. Lynne
The Scribes group would love more members. The next Scribes meeting is 6 September at 1.00 pm In the Halswell Library. The topic is “Dreams” but anything goes, there is no pressure. We would love folk to just drop in and see what we do. Trish
Urban Explorers
Our group has enjoyed a good turnout for walks throughout the winter even though some days were overcast and threatening. We have a walk in the Avonside area this month and a good coffee to follow of course! Ngaire