U3A stands for University of the Third Age. The term third age means no longer in full time work. U3A provides opportunities for people to meet, share experiences and pursue commonly held interests.
The club meets monthly with a guest speaker who has unique experience in their field. Interest (study) groups meet at other times and it is encouraged that members belong to at least one study group.
The annual subscription is $30. 
Subscription due on the 1st February.

From the President

Kia ora

I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer break.

The SWU3A AGM will be in March. Please consider standing for the committee. For committee members the committee meeting is on the first Tuesday of the month, one week before the General Meeting.

In keeping with our goal of social interaction, if you are sitting or standing next to someone you do not know or who is new to the club, please introduce yourself.

Our speakers in January were Melissa and John talking about their experiences particularly in the Arctic circle. Having established at the start the differences between the Antarctic continent and the nature of the Arctic, including the wildlife differences, we were treated to amazing photographs and stories of their experiences. John and Melissa administer a charity “the Pauwels Flying Scholarship” to enable young people who want to be pilots to have the opportunity by having access to funding if they need it. The payment for their talk went to this fund.

Eric Livingston has offered to run a Photography Special Interest Group. He has proposed the idea of having a monthly meeting to discuss photography ideas, share knowledge, and share small photography projects. If you ar3e interested contact me and I will pass on your email addresses to Eric.

Ngā Mihi
Lynne Bull

Next meeting

Date: 12 February 2025
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: Mohoao Room, Te Hapua: Halswell Centre
Guest: Antony Bush
Topic: “Movement is Medicine – the importance of movement and
exercise on pain, health and longevity “

Likely Future Speakers

These may change, speaker or topic, according to the interests and/or availability of these people.

 Topic Speaker Date

SWU3A online courses

Members can use the on-line courses our group has subscribed to by logging on to our website.
Please ask for the login and password if you are interested. The courses we have subscribed to for the year are free but if there are other courses you are interested in there is a small charge.

Useful Links

Join South West Christchurch U3a